Too much of this hormone is making you ill
This hormone in excess is making us ill!

Too much of this hormone is making you ill
An excess of this hormone is shown to increase fat storage, even in slender women, around the middle
It shuts off the immune system
And it's also linked such as type two diabetes cancer and heart disease.
This hormone needs to be controlled and it's a stress hormone.
This hormone also works with insulin to inhibit fat-burning enzymes.
And it also shuts down the immune system. During organ transplantation, doctors give this hormone as a method to shut down the immune system so that the transplanted organ is not rejected.
What is this hormone? It is cortisol.
Physiological stressors - daily ongoing stressors - raise the levels of cortisol, and when this is prolonged fat storage around your middle occurs and the cell's immune system is impaired.
Cortisol diverts blood from the internal organs so allow the extremities to help with the fight or flight mechanism.
When cortisol levels are raised lots of normal body responses are muted as the body is responding to the imminent danger and is preparing your body for the next step.
There is no time or inclination to look after any other organs or systems e.g. brain, immune system, cellular repair (which the cells repair at 50,000 per second) and also a reduction in growth hormone. Growth hormone is vital for cell renewal and body recovery.
This is also why you feel that feeling in your abdomen as the adrenal glands produce adrenaline (another stress hormone) and digestive issues such as IBS can occur.
Growth hormones cannot be released whilst the body is under such physiological stress human growth hormone is also released when the body is relaxed and at sleep and if you are stressed (and cannot sleep) this cannot happen.
The effects of cortisol inhibit this renewal, as the blood which is a hormonal transport system is overriding everything else.
This is why we get sick and ill.
A huge majority of all GP visits have their origin in the effects of excessive cortisol levels - the body has an impaired immune system and it can't function optimally. It also leads to major illnesses
For women this is two-fold...
Oestrogen helps manage cortisol levels but from the age of 30 oestrogen levels start to decline, and a further decline in subsequent years to the age of around 45-50 years (the onset of Menopause).
How are you know if your levels have dropped?
The body will have subtle ways of telling you, but if they are ignored then you might think that what is happening to your body is ‘normal’. In a way it is, the reduction in our female hormones is a natural process, but there is something you can do.
We do not need to be at the mercy of this change…
You might not be able to cope with the effects of high cortisol like you used to: the body will not be able to cope with the oestrogen levels decreasing. Losing their effective risk to counteract the effects of cortisol.
Managing stress and the effect it has on your body is vital
How do we do that?
- Nutrition - what if I told you that food
and - Movement that nourishes the body, gently moving it and helping it heal
Both play a big part in helping to manage stress, keep the immune system functioning, reduce the likelihood of stress and other related diseases and reduce fat storage around the middle managing cortisol is imperative.
Come and join us for our two-hour workshop to see how this can happen.